Install Prebuild Binary pbdR Packages on Windows 7

This is a temporary solution for installing pre-build binary pbdR packages on Windows 7.

> brary(RCurl)
> github.dir <- ""
> install <- paste(github.dir, "install_dp_pbdR.r", sep = "")
> eval(parse(text = getURL(install, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)))

Build Binary pbdR Packages on Windows

This section demonstrate how to build binary pbd packages from source code on Windows machines, and use pbdMPI as an example since this is the key step of all pbd packages. If you already have R and MS-MPI, you can just download the binary file from the download page, install by


and skip rest of this section. Otherwise, all files you needs are

I assume all files are installed using default settings in most steps. Please click the following subsections:

  1. Install R.

  2. Install Rtools.

  3. Install MS-MPI.

  4. Install pbdMPI.