#### Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud This is a summary to steup a cluster on AWS EC2. In short, the key points are - Make sure pbdMPI is reinstalled with openMPI correctly on all nodes. - Make sure firewalls of all nodes are open to all for sending to and receiving from all. - Make sure all nodes can access the same R file. --- #### Very Long Steps: 1. For example, I have two instances of t2.micro running on us-west-2a. Both instances run Ubuntu image provided by AWS EC2. They have public IPs <code></code> and <code></code>, while they also have private DNSs <code>ip-172-31-42-235</code> and <code>ip-172-31-40-207</code>, respectively. All instances are in a <code>default</code> security group. The next figures show what they should be. <table> <tbody> <tr class="success"> <td> <img src="./figures_aws_ec2/01-instance_1.png" align="top" border="1"></img> <br> <img src="./figures_aws_ec2/01-instance_2.png" align="top" border="1"></img> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2. All instances are changed in <code>default</code> security groups (under NETWORK & SECURITY on the left hand side menu) where I set both <code>Inbund</code> and <code>Outbund</code> rules to - Type: All traffic - Protocal: All - Port Range: 0 - 65536 - Source/Destination: Anywhere </br> <font color="red"> This is a risky change. It is suggested to allow private IPs only. Please consulting with Network Professional.</font> <br> This is make sure <code>MPI</code> can access among instances and via whatever ports are needed. The next figures show what they should be. <table> <tbody> <tr class="success"> <td> <img src="./figures_aws_ec2/02-security_in.png" align="top" border="1"></img> <br> <img src="./figures_aws_ec2/02-security_out.png" align="top" border="1"></img> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> - Disable all other network interfaces. Keep routing path as simple as possible. e.g. One may do below in Ubuntu/Xubuntu ``` sudo ifconfig enp0s3 down sudo ifconfig docker0 down ``` where `enp0s3` and `docker0` are the network interface names. - Disable firewalls if possible. e.g. One may do below in Ubuntu/Xubuntu ``` SHELL> sudo ufw disable ``` 3. All instances should have files - ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - ~/.ssh/id_rsa - ~/.ssh/known_hosts that allows both instances can <code>ssh</code> and login with each other without typing further user name and password. Note that <code>MPI</code> is in a batch mode which does not allowing any interruption. The next figure shows what it should be. <br> <img src="./figures_aws_ec2/03-ssh.png" align="top" border="1"></img> <br> Note that <code>known_hosts</code> can be generated via ``` SHELL> ssh ip-172-31-42-235 SHELL> ssh ip-172-31-40-207 ``` Add more instances if you have more. <font color="red"> Note that all instances should have access to all other instances. </font> You may need some shell scripts to help with this setup. Or, you may change <code>/etc/ssh/ssh_config</code> to avoid checking and this step. <br><br> 4. (Optional) All instances should have the file <code>~/work-my/00_set_devel_R</code> containing ``` export MAKE="/usr/bin/make -j 4" export R_DEVEL=/home/ubuntu/work-my/local/R-devel export OMPI=/home/ubuntu/work-my/local/ompi export PATH=$R_DEVEL/bin:$OMPI/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$R_DEVEL/lib/R/lib:$OMPI/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH alias mpiexec=/home/ubuntu/work-my/local/ompi/bin/mpiexec alias mpirun=/home/ubuntu/work-my/local/ompi/bin/mpirun alias Rscript=/home/ubuntu/work-my/local/R-devel/bin/Rscript ``` <font color="red"> You may adjust the path according to the system. </font> This is to set the executable and library paths to <code>R</code> and <code>OpenMPI</code>. The alias is to avoid typing full path to <code>mpiexec</code> or <code>mpirun</code>. <br><br> 5. (Optional) All instances should have the following line in the file <code>~/.bashrc</code> ``` . /home/ubuntu/work-my/00_set_devel_R ``` This is to make sure the working environment is consistent on every instance after <code>ssh</code> login. <br><br> 6. All instances should install <code>OpenMPI</code>, <code>R</code>, and <code>pbdMPI</code> and their dependences as next. ``` SHELL> sudo apt-get update SHELL> sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin SHELL> sudo apt-get install r-base SHELL> sudo R CMD INSTALL rlecuyer_0.3-3.tar.gz SHELL> sudo R CMD INSTALL pbdMPI_0.2-5.tar.gz ``` 7. <font color="red">Login</font> instance, say <code>ip-172-31-42-235</code> should have the following lines in the file <code>~/hostfile</code> to let <code>MPI</code> knows which machines are available to launch applications either in SPMD. ``` ip-172-31-42-235 ip-172-31-40-207 ``` Add more instances if you have more and see OpenMPI website for more examples of this file. <br><br> 8. In the <font color="red">login</font> instance, you may test <code>hostname</code>, <code>R</code>, and <code>pbdMPI</code> in <code>4</code> processors as next. ``` SHELL> mpiexec -hostfile ~/hostfile -np 4 hostname SHELL> mpiexec -hostfile ~/hostfile -np 4 \ Rscript -e "Sys.info()['nodename']" SHELL> mpiexec -hostfile ~/hostfile -np 4 \ Rscript -e "library(pbdMPI,quietly=T);init();comm.rank();finalize()" ``` Note: Full paths to the `mpiexec` and `Rscript` may be needed. When everything is right, the outputs should be as next if all setups are correct. <br> <img src="./figures_aws_ec2/04-result.png" align="top"></img> <br> --- <div w3-include-html="./preamble_tail_date.html"></div>