Tutorial 1 provides codes which are designed for demonstrating how similar of <code>pbdR</code> and serial <code>R</code>. The famous small dataset <code>iris</code> is used in all the next three short examples to show matrix operation, covariance computing, SVD, subset data, k-means, and model-based clustering, etc. The wiki page <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_flower_data_set" target="_blank"><i>Iris</i> flower data set</a> gives the detail description. 1. <a href="./tutorial1/iris_ser.html">Iris example in serial</a>. 2. <a href="./tutorial1/iris_spmd.html">Iris example in SPMD</a>. 3. <a href="./tutorial1/iris_dmat.html">Iris example in ddmatrix</a>. --- <div w3-include-html="./preamble_tail_date.html"></div>