Iris example in SPMD
This is a SPMD version for the iris example. This intends to perform
parallel computing on distributed data.
It should be run by four processors
by Rscript
SHELL> mpiexec -np 4 Rscript iris_spmd.r
A file Rplot.pdf
or a similar file will be created. The plot contains visualization of
clustering results on the first two principal components.
SPMD Code: (iris_spmd.r)
# File name: iris_spmd.r
# Run: mpiexec -np 4 Rscript iris_spmd.r
rm(list = ls()) # Clean environment
library(pbdMPI, quiet = TRUE) # Load library
if(comm.size() != 4)
comm.stop("4 processors are required.")
### Load data
X <- as.matrix(iris[, -5]) # Dimension 150 by 4
X.cid <- as.numeric(iris[, 5]) # True id
### Distribute data
jid <- get.jid(nrow(X))
X.spmd <- X[jid,] # SPMD row-major format
### Standardized
N <- allreduce(nrow(X.spmd)) # 150
p <- ncol(X.spmd) # 4
mu <- allreduce(colSums(X.spmd / N))
X.std <- sweep(X.spmd, 2, mu, FUN = "-") # Substract mean
std <- sqrt(allreduce(colSums(X.std^2 / (N - 1))))
X.std <- sweep(X.std, 2, std, FUN = "/") # Divide standard error
### SVD manually in serial
X.tmp <- crossprod(X.std) # X'X (local)
X.tmp <- allreduce(X.tmp)
dim(X.tmp) <- c(p, p)
ret <- eigen(X.tmp) # X'X = V D^2 V'
d <- sqrt(ret$values)
v <- ret$vectors
u <- X.std %*% v %*% diag(1/d) # Why X V D^(-1)) = U?
### Validation
tmp <- svd(scale(X))
comm.print(c(sum(abs(tmp$u[jid,] - u)),
sum(abs(tmp$v - v)),
sum(abs(tmp$d - d))))
### Project on column space of singular vectors
A <- u %*% diag(d)
B <- X.std %*% v # A ~ B
X.prj <- A[, 1:2] # Only useful for plot
X.prj <-"rbind", allgather(X.prj))
### Clustering
library(pmclust, quiet = TRUE)
comm.set.seed(123, diff = TRUE)
X.spmd <- X.std <- = 3) # Preset storage
.pmclustEnv$CONTROL$debug <- 0 # Disable debug messages <- # Initial parameters
PARAM.kms <- kmeans.step( # K-means
X.kms.cid <- allgather(.pmclustEnv$CLASS.spmd,
unlist = TRUE) <- = 3) # Preset storage
.pmclustEnv$CONTROL$debug <- 0 # Disable debug messages <- initial.em(,
MU = PARAM.kms$MU) # Initial by K-means
PARAM.mbc1 <- em.step( # Model-based clustering
X.mbc1.cid <- allgather(.pmclustEnv$CLASS.spmd,
unlist = TRUE) <- = 3, RndEM.iter = 1000) # Preset storage
.pmclustEnv$CONTROL$debug <- 0 # Disable debug messages <- initial.RndEM( # Initial by Rand-EM
PARAM.mbc2 <- em.step( # Model-based clustering
X.mbc2.cid <- allgather(.pmclustEnv$CLASS.spmd,
unlist = TRUE)
### Validation
X.kms.adjR <- EMCluster::RRand(X.cid, X.kms.cid)$adjRand
X.mbc1.adjR <- EMCluster::RRand(X.cid, X.mbc1.cid)$adjRand
X.mbc2.adjR <- EMCluster::RRand(X.cid, X.mbc2.cid)$adjRand
comm.print(c(X.kms.adjR, X.mbc1.adjR, X.mbc2.adjR))
### Swap classification id
tmp <- X.kms.cid
X.kms.cid[tmp == 1] <- 2
X.kms.cid[tmp == 2] <- 1
tmp <- X.mbc1.cid
X.mbc1.cid[tmp == 1] <- 2
X.mbc1.cid[tmp == 2] <- 1
### Display on first 2 components
if(comm.rank() == 0){
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(X.prj, col = X.cid + 1, pch = X.cid,
main = "iris (true)", xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2")
plot(X.prj, col = X.kms.cid + 1, pch = X.kms.cid,
main = paste("iris (kmeans)", sprintf("%.4f", X.kms.adjR)),
xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2")
plot(X.prj, col = X.mbc1.cid + 1, pch = X.mbc1.cid,
main = paste("iris (model-based 1)", sprintf("%.4f", X.mbc1.adjR)),
xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2")
plot(X.prj, col = X.mbc2.cid + 1, pch = X.mbc2.cid,
main = paste("iris (model-based 2)", sprintf("%.4f", X.mbc2.adjR)),
xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2")
### Finish