#### Quick Examples Some tool functions of <code>phyclust</code> are demonstrated in the following, and click titles to show some of <code>phyclust</code> features. More examples and details can be found in the <code>phyclust</code> <a href="./document/phyclust-guide.pdf">vignette</a>. 1. <a href="./example/ex_demo.html">Demo</a> -- An example for quick start. 2. <a href="./example/ex_io.html">File I/O</a> -- Input and output sequence data. 3. <a href="./example/ex_trees.html">Trees</a> -- Simulation studies and tree topologies by <code>ms()</code>. 4. <a href="./example/ex_msseqgen.html">ms+seqgen</a> -- Simulation sequences according a tree. 5. <a href="./example/ex_msseqgenphyclust.html">ms+seqgen+phyclust</a> -- Bootstrap to assess the number of clusters. 6. <a href="./example/ex_emc.html">.EMC</a> -- Examples of <code>.EMControl()</code>. 7. <a href="./example/ex_phyclustpamlbaseml.html">phyclust+paml.baseml</a> -- Combinations of phyloclustering and maximum likelihood tree. --- <div w3-include-html="./preamble_tail_date.html"></div>