#### Useful Documents The documents for the most stable version of <code>phyclust</code> is on <a href="http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/phyclust/index.html" target="_blank">CRAN</a> or <a href="http://cran.r-project.org/mirrors.html" target="_blank">mirror sites</a> from <a href="http://www.r-project.org" target="_blnak">R-project</a>. - The quick guide of <code>phyclust</code> (vignette): [ <a href="./document/phyclust-guide.pdf" target="_blank">pdf</a> ] - The help pages of <code>phyclust</code> (manual): [ <a href="./document/phyclust-help.pdf">pdf</a> ] - The manual of <code>ms</code> (<a href="http://home.uchicago.edu/~rhudson1/source/mksamples.html" target="_blank">original source</a>): [ <a href="./document/html/00Index.html" target="_blank">html</a> | <a href="./document/msdoc.pdf">pdf</a> ] - The manual of <code>seq-gen</code> (<a href="http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/seqgen/" target="_blank">original source</a>): [ <a href="./document/Seq-Gen.v.1.3.2/Seq-Gen.Manual.html" target="_blank">html</a> ] - The manual of <code>PAML baseml</code> (<a href="http://abacus.gene.ucl.ac.uk/software/paml.html" target="_blank">original source</a>): [ <a href="./document/pamlDOC.pdf" target="_blank">pdf</a> ] --- #### Related References Here are some references that are useful to understand <code>phyclust</code> and <i>phyloclustering</i>. - R and C: * <i>R_note -- The Exploration of Statistical Software R</i>. [ <a href="http://www.math.ncu.edu.tw/~chenwc/R_note/" target="_blank">html</a> ] * Chambers, J.M. (2008), <i>Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R</i>, Springer. * Davis, S.R. (1998), <i>C++ for Dummies</i>, 3rd, IDG Books Worldwide. * Paradis, E. (2006), <i>Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution with R</i>, Springer. * Rudd, A. (1994), <i>Mastering C</i>, John Wiley and Sons. * Venables and Ripley (2000), <i>S Programming</i>, Springer. - Phylogenetics: * Felsenstein, J. (2004), <i>Inferring Phylogenies</i>, Sinauer Associates. * Graur, D. and Li, W.-H. (2000), <i>Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution</i>, Sinauer Associates. * Nielsen, R. (2005), <i>Statistical Methods in Molecular Evolution</i>, Springer. - Model-Based Clustering: * Fraley, C. and Raftery, A.E. (2002), "Model-Based Clustering, Discriminant Analysis, and Density Estimation", <i>Journal of the American Statistical Association</i>, <b>97</b>, 611-531. * McLachlan, G.J. and Krishnan, T. (1996), <i>The EM Algorithm and Extensions</i>, John Wiley and Sons. * McLachlan, G.J. and Peel, D. (2000), <i>Finite Mixture Models</i>, John Wiley and Sons. - Virology: * Goff, S., Coffin, J.M., Hugbes, S.H. and Varmus, H.E. (1997), <i>Retroviruses</i>, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. * Levy, J.A. (1992), <i>The Retroviridae Volume 2</i>, Plenum. - Haplotype Grouping: * Thomas, D.C. (2004), <i>Statistical Methods in Genetic Epidemiology</i>, Oxford. * Tzeng, J.-Y. (2005), "Evolutionary-Based Grouping of Haplotypes in Association Analysis", <i>Genetics Epidemiology</i>, <b>28</b>, 220-231. --- <div w3-include-html="./preamble_tail_date.html"></div>