#### A Quick Example (NOT Hellow World!)
This is a standard example coming with Rmpi
to approximate
$\pi \approx 3.1415926$
#### SPMD Basic Steps:
- Step:
0. Initialize. (init
1. Read data partially by workers.
2. Compute.
, recv
, barrier
, ...)
3. Receive results among workers.
, allgather
, reduce
, ...)
4. Finalize (finalize
#### Parallel (SPMD) code:
See ex_pi_spmd.r
for ultra-large/unlimited $N$
# File name: ex_pi_spmd.r
# Run: mpiexec -np 2 Rscript --vanilla ex_pi_spmd.r
### Load pbdMPI and initial the communicator.
library(pbdMPI, quiet = TRUE)
### Compute pi.
n <- 1000
totalcpu <- .comm.size
id <- .comm.rank + 1
mypi <- 4*sum(1/(1+((seq(id,n,totalcpu)-.5)/n)^2))/n # The example from Rmpi.
mypi <- reduce(mypi, op = "sum")
### Output from RANK 0 since mpi.reduce(...) will dump only to 0 by default.
#### Run SPMD code in a command mode: (Batch Job)
Note that the possible commands to invoke MPI could be mpiexec
, orterun
, or mpiexec.exe
which are totally dependent on the operating systems and the MPI systems.
Also, see Rscript for the usages.
SHELL> mpiexec -np 2 Rscript --vanilla ex_pi_spmd.r
#### Run SPMD code in an interactive mode: (Master/Worker)
For OpenMPI, you need a file .Rprofile
in the working directory
or your home directory. This file can be copied from the installed
directory of Rmpi
. By default, it is located at $R_HOME/library/Rmpi/Rprofile
Then, you can have an interactive mode
by initial mpirun
and R
(NOT Rscript
) at which .Rprofile
is located.
SHELL> mpirun -np 2 R --no-save -q
### Some messages will show the workers are running.
### The "spawn" is no needed for OpenMPI anymore.
R> # library(Rmpi)
R> # mpi.spawn.Rslaves() # Require for LAM/MPI.
R> mpi.bcast.cmd(source("ex_pi_spmd.r")) # Worker go first and wait Manager.
R> source("ex_pi_spmd.r") # Manager runs and collects results.
### Remark mpi.quit() in "ex_pi_spmd.r" to avoid terminate mpirun and R.