To implement, first copy all the files under the same directory. The commands for running the score test with the clustered haplotypes are stored in "score.FDRD.public.r". Please read and run the commands in "score.FDRD.public.r" line by line, and check if the same results that are attached at the end of the file could be obtained. =========================================================================== (1) genodata.mat : an example data matrix (genotypic data in Schaid et al. 2002 format; use "help(haplo.score)" to see the specific format). Note that this file is an R object. (2) score.FDRD.public.r : the main codes to do data analysis, including Schaid et al. (2002)'s full-dimensional (FD) analysis and our reduced-dimensional (RD) analysis (3) main.functions.forRDscoreTest.public.r : main functions for RD score test (4) functions.r: supporting functions, mainly for calculating the variance of the RD score (5) code.getPIstar.getBigMatB : supporting functions, mainly for obtaining "matrix B" for clustering haplotypes ps. I tend to use "FD" for full dimensional (original) haplotypes, "RD" for reduced-dimensional (clustered) haplotypes. Please email me ( when running into any questions.