"seq-gen" versin 1.3.2 - 7 Jan, 2005

See "seq-gen-Readme.txt" in this directory for more information about "seq-gen".

I turn "seq-gen" in a library format by adding and modifing some functions,
"R_*.c", for directorly using "seq-gen" in R, and the standardlone version
will not be guaranteed here. Try the original "seq-gen" for standardlone.

I modify the source codes in order to avoid enormous warnings from "gcc".
I also modify the random seed and random number generator and replace them by
the functions of R. The codes pass the examination of valgrind and R checking.

I also do my best to keep the original functionality of "seq-gen", and only
modify the part of input and output. Most, I save data in temporary files
or directory generated by R, and redirect "seq-gen" to those temporary files.
When "seq-gen" is finish, I scan the output from those files, trun into
an R objects, and unlink those files.

Wei-Chen Chen