"ms" version May 29, 2007. See "ms-Readme.txt" in this directory for more information about "ms". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I turn "ms" in a library format by adding and modifing some functions, "R_*.c", for directorly using "msdir" in R, and the standardlone version will not be guaranteed here. Try the original "ms" for standardlone. I modify the source codes in order to avoid enormous warnings from "gcc" and stuck by pointer missed reallociation including output results to file instead of stdout, and memory leaks and release. I also modify the random seed and random number generator and replace them by the functions of R. The codes pass the examination of valgrind and R checking. I also do my best to keep the original functionality of "ms", and only modify the part of input and output. Most, I save data in temporary files or directory generated by R, and redirect "ms" to those temporary files. When "ms" is finish, I scan the output from those files, trun into an R objects, and unlink those files. Wei-Chen Chen