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PCA -- Principal Component Analysis.


  1. Biplot and PCA on Wikipedia.
  2. Golub, G.H. and Van Loan, C.F. (1996), Matrix Computation, 3rd. Johns Hopkins.

Suppose $\boldsymbol{X}$ be the data matrix with dimension $N \times p$ that contains $N$ objects, $p$ variables for each object, and $N > p$. Let $\boldsymbol{Y}$ be the column standardized matrix of $\boldsymbol{X}$, i.e. each column has mean $0$ and standard deviation $1$. Then, the singular value decomposition (SVD) of $\boldsymbol{Y}$ is $\boldsymbol{UDV}^{t} = \sum_{k = 1}^p d_k \boldsymbol{u}_k \boldsymbol{v}_k^{t}$. The projections onto the space composed by the first two principal components are $(d_1^{\alpha}\boldsymbol{u}_1, d_2^{\alpha}\boldsymbol{u}_2)$ and other coordinates projection are $(d_1^{(1 - \alpha)}\boldsymbol{v}_1, d_2^{(1 - \alpha)}\boldsymbol{v}_2)$ where $\alpha \in [0, 1]$ be a scaling level for visualization.

I use an inefficient way to perform SVD by utilizing eigen value decomposition and back solving to obtain the bases for SVD. While it is a good way to practice how to make a parallel algorithm. As $N$ is very large, the computing method can be very different. The main ideas I want to show are:

  1. Demonstrate a simple SVD here without any fancy optimization for performance.
  2. Utilize the existed code in R to reduce implementing effort.
  3. Reduce communications between processors by sending statistics instead of data.


  1. Apply eigen value decomposition $\boldsymbol{Y}^t\boldsymbol{Y} = \boldsymbol{VD}^2\boldsymbol{V}^{t}$ to obtain $\boldsymbol{D}$ and $\boldsymbol{V}$.
  2. Since $\boldsymbol{YY}^t = \boldsymbol{UD}^2\boldsymbol{U}^{t}$, solve the linear system $\boldsymbol{DU}^t = \boldsymbol{Y}^t$ to obtain $\boldsymbol{U}$.

More fantastic algorithms about SVD can be found in the reference book "Matrix Computations" given above.

Serial code: (ex_pca_serial.r)

# File name: ex_pca_serial.r
# Run: Rscript --vanilla ex_pca_serial.r

### PCA implication
my.pca.projection <- function(X, alpha = 0.5){
  ### Standardized.
  X.mean <- colMeans(X)
  X.std <- apply(X, 2, function(x) sqrt(var(x)))
  Y <- t((t(X) - X.mean) / X.std)

  ### Apply SVD.
  # Y.svd <- svd(Y)
  # u <- Y.svd$u
  # d <- Y.svd$d
  # v <- Y.svd$v

  ### The followings are equivalent to svd(Y), here I want to show how to think
  ### in parallel and what may be a good way to parallelize a original method.

  ### Use eigen values decomposition on Y^t %*% Y to get singular values and v.
  ### Then, solve system V %*% D %*% U^t = Y^t as AX = B to get u.
  ### Note: the results may have a sign change and differ to that of svd()
  ###       since the orthogonal basis is not unique.
  Y.cov <- t(Y) %*% Y
  Y.eigen <- eigen(Y.cov)
  d <- sqrt(Y.eigen$values)
  v <- Y.eigen$vectors
  u <- t(solve(v %*% diag(d), t(Y)))

  ### Obtain the projection onto the first two principal components.
  set.N <- t(t(u[, 1:2]) * d[1:2]^alpha)
  set.p <- t(t(v[, 1:2]) * d[1:2]^(1 - alpha))

  list(set.N = set.N, set.p = set.p)
} # End of my.pca.projection().

### Main codes start from here.
N <- 100
p <- 4
X <- matrix(rnorm(N * p), ncol = p)
Z <- my.pca.projection(X)

### Biplot
plot(NULL, NULL, type = "n", axes = FALSE, main = "PCA",
     xlab = "Principal Component 1", ylab = "Principal Component 2",
     xlim = range(c(Z$set.N[, 1], Z$set.p[, 1])),
     ylim = range(c(Z$set.N[, 2], Z$set.p[, 2])))
points(Z$set.N[, 1], Z$set.N[, 2], col = "red")
arrows(0, 0, Z$set.p[, 1], Z$set.p[, 2], length = 0.1, col = "blue", lwd = 1.1)

Parallel (SPMD) code: (ex_pca_spmd.r for ultra-large/unlimited $N$)

# File name: ex_pca_spmd.r
# Run: mpiexec -np 2 Rscript --vanilla ex_pca_spmd.r

### Load pbdMPI and initial the communicator.
library(pbdMPI, quiet = TRUE)

### PCA implication for workers.
my.pca.projection.spmd <- function(X.spmd, alpha = 0.5){
  ### Obtain some basic statistics.
  p <- ncol(X.spmd)
  N.spmd <- nrow(X.spmd)
  X.sum.spmd <- colSums(X.spmd)
  X.2.sum.spmd <- colSums(X.spmd^2)

  ### Obtain summarized statistics from all workers.
  N <- allreduce(as.double(N.spmd), op = "sum")
  X.mean <- allreduce(X.sum.spmd / N, op = "sum")
  X.2.mean <- allreduce(X.2.sum.spmd / N, op = "sum")

  ### Standardized all workers.
  X.std <- sqrt(X.2.mean - X.mean^2)
  Y.spmd <- t((t(X.spmd) - X.mean) / X.std)

  ### Obtain Y^t * Y from all workers.
  Y.cov.spmd <- t(Y.spmd) %*% Y.spmd
  Y.cov <- matrix(allreduce(Y.cov.spmd, op = "sum"), ncol = p)

  ### u.spmd is distributed as Y.spmd in all workers.
  Y.eigen <- eigen(Y.cov)
  d <- sqrt(Y.eigen$values)
  v <- Y.eigen$vectors
  u.spmd <- t(solve(v %*% diag(d), t(Y.spmd)))

  ### Obtain the projection onto the first two principal components.
  set.N.spmd <- t(t(u.spmd[, 1:2]) * d[1:2]^alpha)
  set.p <- t(t(v[, 1:2]) * d[1:2]^(1 - alpha))

  list(set.N = set.N.spmd, set.p = set.p)
} # End of my.pca.projection.spmd().

### Main codes start from here.
N <- 100    # Pretend N is large.
p <- 4
X <- matrix(rnorm(N * p), ncol = p)

### Load data partially by processors if N is ultra-large.
id.get <- get.jid(N)
X.spmd <- matrix(X[id.get, ], ncol = p)
Z.spmd <- my.pca.projection.spmd(X.spmd)

### Gather all results to COMM.RANK 0 and draw Biplot.
Z <- Z.spmd
Z$set.N <- do.call("cbind", allgather(Z$set.N))
# This call should be outside of the next if(...) to avoid dead locks.

### Output.
if(.comm.rank == 0){
  ### Biplot
  plot(NULL, NULL, type = "n", axes = FALSE, main = "PCA",
       xlab = "Principal Component 1", ylab = "Principal Component 2",
       xlim = range(c(Z$set.N[, 1], Z$set.p[, 1])),
       ylim = range(c(Z$set.N[, 2], Z$set.p[, 2])))
  points(Z$set.N[, 1], Z$set.N[, 2], col = "red")
  arrows(0, 0, Z$set.p[, 1], Z$set.p[, 2], length = 0.1, col = "blue", lwd = 1.1)


A possible output from the above codes are a figure which may be saved in pdf format. The following is a png image.