This page collects some S4 examples. More details about this topic can be found on Hadley's Wiki pages including S3, S4, and R5 systems.
need to have the same number of arguments.
S4 signature will determine the input type and call the corresponding
rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE))
foo.default <- function(x, y, z) cat("call foo.default\n")
foo.double <- function(x, y, z) cat("call foo.double\n")
foo.myobj <- function(x, y = NULL, z = NULL) cat("call foo.myobj\n")
setClass("myobj", representation(x = "numeric"))
setGeneric(name = "foo", useAsDefault = foo.default)
setMethod(f = "foo",
signature = signature(x = "myobj"),
definition = foo.myobj)
setMethod(f = "foo",
signature = signature(x = "numeric", y = "numeric", z = "numeric"),
definition = foo.double)
a <- new("myobj")
foo(1, 2, 3)
- More S4 Methods
This is a silly example, but somehow useful in some cases with
different number and different type of input arguments.
rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE))
foo.default <- function(x, dim, bldim, ctxt){
stop("Input is incorrect.")
} else{
foo.2(NULL, x, dim, bldim)
cat("cat foo.default\n")
foo.1 <- function(x, dim = NULL, bldim = NULL, ctxt = NULL){
cat("call foo.1\n")
foo.2 <- function(x = NULL, dim, bldim, ctxt){
cat("call foo.2\n")
foo.3 <- function(x, dim = NULL, bldim = NULL, ctxt = NULL){
cat("call foo.3\n")
setClass("myobj", representation(x = "numeric"))
setGeneric(name = "ownany", useAsDefault = foo.default)
setMethod(f = "ownany",
signature = signature(x = "myobj"),
definition = foo.1)
setMethod(f = "ownany",
signature = signature(dim = "numeric", bldim = "numeric", ctxt = "numeric"),
definition = foo.2)
setMethod(f = "ownany",
signature = signature(x = "numeric", dim = "missing", bldim = "missing", ctxt = "missing"),
definition = foo.3)
a <- new("myobj")
ownany(dim = 1, bldim = 2, ctxt = 3)
ownany(1, 2, 3)