I had only two platform for testing when I wrote this note,
so most examples work on Linux and MS Windows and
it should be similar on Mac.
Some examples only work on Linux and
some requirements are specific on MS Windows.
- Binary:
- Windows: Click rw1071.exe
only, by default install to
"C:\Program Files\R\rw1071\"
- Linux: Require Ghostview
and LaTeX/TeX
for mandrake
SHELL> rpm -i R-1.7.1-1mdk.i586.rpm
By default, it will be installed at "/usr/lib/R/".
- Execution:
- Windows: Click from windows "Start" menu.
- Linux:
- Command & GUI mode
- Quit & Help:
`q()`, `help()`
- Install Packages:
- Windows: Click menu, Packages -> Install package(s) from CRAN ...
- Linux:
SHELL> R CMD INSTALL package-name.tar.gz
- Directory of Installed R and Packages:
- Windows: "C:\Program Files\R\rw1071\"
- Linux: "/usr/lib/R/"