- <font color="#800000"><b>R 101</b></font> The following files contains a quick view for R. Each file contains a few quick exercises to demo introduced functions and a few short questions for readers. For more examples, you may use Google to search tons of introductory books about R and advanced books for specific topics. The best way to learn R is "Try It Yourself" by looking at examples and running the scripts step by step. <table cellpadding="5"> <tr> <th bgcolor="#d3dce3"> File Name <th bgcolor="#d3dce3"> Purpose <tr> <td bgcolor="#cccccc"> <a href="./example/R_101/R-101-1.txt" target="_blank">R-101-1.txt</a> <td bgcolor="#dddddd"> Quick overviews. <tr> <td bgcolor="#dddddd"> <a href="./example/R_101/R-101-2.txt" target="_blank">R-101-2.txt</a> <td bgcolor="#dddddd"> Basic language controls and user defined functions. </table> --- <div w3-include-html="../preamble_tail_date.html"></div>