#### Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
This is a summary to steup a cluster on AWS EC2. In short, the key points are
- Make sure pbdMPI is reinstalled with openMPI correctly on all nodes.
- Make sure firewalls of all nodes are open to all for sending to and
receiving from all.
- Make sure all nodes can access the same R file.
#### Very Long Steps:
1. For example, I have two instances of t2.micro running on us-west-2a.
Both instances run Ubuntu image provided by AWS EC2.
They have public IPs
, while
they also have private DNSs
, respectively.
All instances are in a default
security group.
The next figures show what they should be.
2. All instances are changed in default
security groups
(under NETWORK & SECURITY on the left hand side menu) where
I set both Inbund
and Outbund
rules to
- Type: All traffic
- Protocal: All
- Port Range: 0 - 65536
- Source/Destination: Anywhere
This is a risky change. It is suggested to allow private IPs only.
Please consulting with Network Professional.
This is make sure MPI
can access among instances and via
whatever ports are needed.
The next figures show what they should be.
- Disable all other network interfaces. Keep routing path as simple as possible.
e.g. One may do below in Ubuntu/Xubuntu
sudo ifconfig enp0s3 down
sudo ifconfig docker0 down
where `enp0s3` and `docker0` are the network interface names.
- Disable firewalls if possible. e.g. One may do below in Ubuntu/Xubuntu
SHELL> sudo ufw disable
3. All instances should have files
- ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- ~/.ssh/known_hosts
that allows both instances can ssh
and login with each other
without typing further user name and password.
Note that MPI
is in a batch mode which does not allowing
any interruption.
The next figure shows what it should be.
Note that known_hosts
can be generated via
SHELL> ssh ip-172-31-42-235
SHELL> ssh ip-172-31-40-207
Add more instances if you have more.
Note that all instances should have access to all other instances.
You may need some shell scripts to help with this setup. Or,
you may change /etc/ssh/ssh_config
to avoid checking and this
4. (Optional) All instances should have the file ~/work-my/00_set_devel_R
export MAKE="/usr/bin/make -j 4"
export R_DEVEL=/home/ubuntu/work-my/local/R-devel
export OMPI=/home/ubuntu/work-my/local/ompi
export PATH=$R_DEVEL/bin:$OMPI/bin:$PATH
alias mpiexec=/home/ubuntu/work-my/local/ompi/bin/mpiexec
alias mpirun=/home/ubuntu/work-my/local/ompi/bin/mpirun
alias Rscript=/home/ubuntu/work-my/local/R-devel/bin/Rscript
You may adjust the path according to the system.
This is to set the executable and library paths to R
. The alias is to avoid typing full path to
or mpirun
5. (Optional) All instances should have the following line in the file ~/.bashrc
. /home/ubuntu/work-my/00_set_devel_R
This is to make sure the working environment is consistent on every instance
after ssh
6. All instances should install OpenMPI
, R
, and
and their dependences as next.
SHELL> sudo apt-get update
SHELL> sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin
SHELL> sudo apt-get install r-base
SHELL> sudo R CMD INSTALL rlecuyer_0.3-3.tar.gz
SHELL> sudo R CMD INSTALL pbdMPI_0.2-5.tar.gz
7. Login
instance, say ip-172-31-42-235
should have the following lines in the file
to let MPI
knows which
machines are available to launch applications either in SPMD.
Add more instances if you have more and
see OpenMPI website for more examples of this file.
8. In the
instance, you may
test hostname
, R
, and pbdMPI
in 4
processors as next.
SHELL> mpiexec -hostfile ~/hostfile -np 4 hostname
SHELL> mpiexec -hostfile ~/hostfile -np 4 \
Rscript -e "Sys.info()['nodename']"
SHELL> mpiexec -hostfile ~/hostfile -np 4 \
Rscript -e "library(pbdMPI,quietly=T);init();comm.rank();finalize()"
Note: Full paths to the `mpiexec` and `Rscript` may be needed.
When everything is right, the outputs should be as next if all setups
are correct.